The Digital Revolution is hurtling through space at breakneck speed across the globe. East, West, Africa, South America - the challenge is the same. How do we provide state of the art communication services universally.

Dhelo is here to address two critical challenges the are of foremost importance to any government. How do we deliver digital inclusion in a fast paced digital evolution that is creating and widening digital divide.

Dhelo Inc. delivers digital inclusion on three challenge fronts, ownership, participation, and access.




Washington DC Metro

Principal Engineer

Anthony Kangethe


Our principals have delivered regulatory, technical, and commercial consultancy to four new operators in East Africa. These services included Strategy Development, Technical consulting, Business Case Development, negotiation with the regulators, acquisition of network resources including Frequency Spectrum and Global Network Parameters. and negotiations with equipment vendors and property managers.

Network Rollout Services

Our principals participated in the rollout of 3G, 4G, and Fiber in Kenya and Tanzania


The evolution of technology globally is still serial for the most part. We match technology and those markets that are ready for the technology globally.




Washington DC Metro


Anthony Kangethe

Our Clients

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